What is the $30 Million Federal Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five?
Did you know Nevada received a $30 million grant to help young children and their families? With this three-year federal funding, the Nevada Department of Education focuses on strengthening opportunities available for young children to develop, learn and grow.
We often hear the phrase “It takes a village” when we think about everything our young children and families need to thrive. It takes more than a village; it takes an entire system of supports! The PDG B-5 works to strengthen early childhood opportunities for children and families, the early childhood workforce, and the early childhood comprehensive system.
We are working toward a big vision: ALL Nevada children experience the very best that early childhood programs and services have to offer, and families meaningfully engage in the early childhood system. Nevada is invested in providing all children ages 0-8 and their families with quality early childhood experiences.
Children and families are at the heart of our vision, and one of our guiding values places special emphases on authentic family engagement in a system that values and respects parents and families as their child’s first and most important teacher. That is why the Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five (PDG B-5) includes families at the center of this funding to make sure the money is spent on what Nevada families and young children need.
We’ve partnered with First5Nevada.org to bring a series of updates and information directly to families about the Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five (PDG B-5) to share more about how this funding is helping families and young children and invite you to get involved.
Learn more at https://bit.ly/nevadaPDGB-5.
Here are three ways to take action today!
We need your help to reimagine the phrase “family engagement.” Tell us what it means to you!
Did you know you can be paid up to $100 for getting involved in young kids programs and initiatives? Sign up
to receive alerts.
3. Embrace your home language.
We want to listen to you in your preferred language. Tell us what support you need to cultivate home language with your child.
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