
Food and Nutrition

Appearing to be a family unit, a female adult is giving a high five to a young boy who is on the shoulders of the adult male. A young girl is standing beside the adult female smiling up at the boy and male adult. There is a variety of fruits and vegetables on a table beside them.

Food security is one of the primary ways to ensure a child’s overall health and wellbeing. Proper nutrition is also vital to help a child’s brain and body develop and grow. 

From learning what types of diet and nutrition are best for your children, to resources to help you pay for food so you can put healthy meals on the table, start here. 

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Food and NutritionTop Stories

Three young kids in a home kitchen helping with some basic cooking.

Get your preschooler to try new foods by having them help you in the kitchen! This tip sheet from the United States Department of Agriculture’s MyPlate program helps identify how children can help at different ages.

Toddler blonde girl wearing jean overalls, bites into a juicy watermelon with a big smile on her face.

Six quick and easy snack ideas for summer that are designed to engage your young child and provide ways to support brain development.

Little girl with huge smile on her face holding a red apple in an outside setting during sunset time

Apples are often called a "superfood," because these crisp, juicy fruits are packed with essential nutrients that can support the healthy growth and development!

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