In this election cycle, educate your community and vote for candidates who you know will make the needs of families with young children a priority once elected. There are many ways you can use the tools here to call on 2024 candidates to Think Babies™ and make their potential a priority, including:
ZERO TO THREE created Think Babies™ to bring attention to what babies and their families need to thrive and urge policymakers to prioritize the needs of infants, toddlers, and families and invest in our future.
Think Babies™ Election Toolkit will help you prepare to vote and raise awareness about issues that impact infants, toddlers and families in your community.
Engaging Candidates at Events
“Town hall” meetings or candidate forums are a great time to share your concerns with candidates. Candidates regularly hold these sessions throughout the campaign cycle. They are often open to the public and include a question-and-answer session – giving you the opportunity to share the Think Babies™ message and ask the candidates where they stand on infant-toddler issues.
Questions for Candidates
For the most powerful impact, draft and practice your question before an event. Use this worksheet to create your own message-based question to use at an event.
Social Media
The Think Babies™ toolkit provides sample posts that you can use or adapt to raise awareness about what babies and families need to thrive. They also include graphics that you can download and share through your social media accounts. Use the #ThinkBabies hashtag and tag @ZEROTOTHREE so they can amplify your posts!
Vote for Babies!
Voters have countless opportunities to elect candidates who will make meeting the needs of infants and toddlers their priority. Below are resources on how you can prepare to show up for young children and families at the ballot box:
The Think Babies™ Election Toolkit includes all of the information included in this article as well as additional information, sample questions, social media graphics and more!
Learn more about Think Babies™ by visiting their website at thinkbabies.org.
Nevada Secretary of State Registered Voter Services – Registered voters in Nevada can use this service to verify their voter registration information, update their mail ballot preference, view their voting history, find a polling location, see who their elected representatives are, and view their sample ballot.
NOTICE: As a 501(c)(3) charity, ZERO TO THREE does not support or oppose any candidate. ZERO TO THREE’s mission is to educate the public and candidates about the issues that impact babies and toddlers.
Join us on October 5th in Las Vegas for a day of family fun and activities! Learn more about issues impacting children in Nevada and support candidates for the next Strong Start Clark County Youth Mayor.
Meet Maria, a mother of four as she shares her journey and motivation for becoming a parent leader and advocate. She emphasizes the importance of parents being aware and raising their voices for their children, ensuring their needs and rights are heard and met.
The Child Care Excellence Academy is a 6-month paid training program focused on child development and safety training, classroom experience and employment matching to a child care center. Learn more about the program and how you can participate!